Welcome to the Middle Years
The Middle Years’ Sub-School consists of Years 5 to 8. East Loddon P-12 College is a wonderful place to learn and in the Middle Years students focus on broadening students experiences while continuing the foundations established in Prep to Year 4.
In each year level from Year 5 to 8, students continue to study English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Sport and German, but also begin specific subjects in Technology, Digital Technology, Food and Health. Students also continue to explore their artistic expression through Art, Visual Communication and Performing Arts. In Year 7 and 8, students also participate in Big Picture, an integrated subject wherein students explore the connections between school subjects and the wider community.
Being a P-12 college, Year 5 and 6 students have access to a wide range of facilities not always available at a P-6 school. As such, students in these year levels have classes in dedicated and fully equipped technology and science rooms and are taught by specialists in these areas.
All students in the Middle Years participate in a 1 to 1 laptop program and have their own laptop from Years 5 to 8. These devices are used to provide rich learning opportunities to students in each of their classes.
Along with their class teachers, students are supported through their schooling by two homeroom staff, Wellbeing team and Sub School Coordinator. Through these different staff, all children are taught behaviours and attitudes that align with our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationships.
We welcome inspections and new students at any time. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
Middle Sub- School Leader: Kelly Pay (On leave)
Acting Middle Sub-School Leader: Danida Ferres
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